Sarah Poisoned?!

Please watch & listen carefully. It appears Sarah's been poisoned by the Afvallingskop family. Who is the man speaking? Who is the girl who slaps Sarah? Is Sarah still alive? What happened to Sarah?

Sarah's Been Spotted!

They have Sarah! Did you see her? She's in the video! It is too dangerous to try to stop them, they are too powerful. If any of this looks familiar to you, please contact the authorities. It's time to bring Sarah home.
Sarah's Been Captured!
Watch as she appears to have been captured by the family Afvallingskop. Do you know who they are? Do you know where they are? Help us find Sarah before it's too late!

Sarah's Coming Undone... Watch Her Unraveling Below

Compare her earlier video to the one just found.  Sarah needs our help, she needs to be found.

Sarah’s Diary was discovered in a home amongst the gruesome carnage of three badly decomposed bodies. She was nowhere to be found. Many years have passed since those horrible murders took place and now her story has been released to the public for review. The accounts of the diary have not been confirmed to be fiction or truth. Some question if Sarah Brown is real. Some question the accounts detailed in the diary. Some wonder what happened to her...

Watch Sarah's last appearance, can you help figure out what happened?